press release
Supermajority’s Statement on the Tragic School Shooting in Uvalde, Texas
2 min read • May 24, 2022
Reading time:
2 min
May 24, 2022
for immediate release:
May 24, 2022

Supermajority’s Statement on the Tragic School Shooting in Uvalde, Texas

Plan to Engage Women Launches Today in Several States Where Women are Suffering

Washington, D.C. In response to the tragic shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, Supermajority Executive Director Amanda Brown Lierman issued the following statement:

“Once again, we are grieving. Eighteen children and two adults were gunned down in their elementary school. The amount of violence we have experienced in the past 10 days is astonishing, but it is not new. This is a uniquely American story and one of our worst. 

“Enough is enough.

“We send our children to school to learn new subjects, make new friends, and discover new things about themselves. But in addition to learning the traditional reading, writing, and arithmetic, our kids are learning what to do when a gunman enters their doors. 

“Enough is enough.

“We elect our representatives to do more than think and pray. We elect them to act and pass legislation that will protect our youngest citizens when they do the most basic activities – go to school. Our children and families have suffered far too long. They deserve to grow up in a country that values their lives more than guns. And, as the adults in their lives, we deserve to tell them it will be ok and, for once, be telling them the truth.

“Enough. Is. Enough.

“Our lives are not safe. And they will not be safe until our children’s lives are safe. I feel heartbroken and angry, but I also know what a beautiful world we can create together if we have the courage to act. Let today be different. We implore you.” 

Supermajority is a women’s equality organization made up of women of all backgrounds, races, and ages who are coming together to build a voting bloc committed to creating a future where we are all truly equal. Supermajority is dedicated to building women’s collective political power by providing the information, training, and resources needed to take meaningful action at the local, state, and national levels.
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