press release
Supermajority’s Strategic Plan
3 min read • August 4, 2021
Reading time:
3 min
August 4, 2021
for immediate release:
August 4, 2021

Supermajority’s Strategic Plan

Plan to Engage Women Launches Today in Several States Where Women are Suffering

Our Goal

Make a Supermajority of progressive women
the most powerful voting group in the United States of America by 2024.

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Our Mission

Build Women’s Political Power to make the Majority Rules real for all women.

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Our Majority Rules

To make the Majority Rules real, we need to show those who make the rules that we are the most powerful political force in the country.

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Voting Rights Are at Risk

Laws at the state and federal level are making voting harder. Voting and registering to vote should be accessible.

The Wrong Information

Fake news discourages women to vote in ways that represent their values, or encourages them to not vote at all.

Loss of Hope for Change

Women have little evidence of how voting will improve their own lives and the lives of the people they love; and “Gender equity” is a distant concept.


Encouraging Civic Action

When millions of women call, email, or tweet at elected officials, they cannot ignore us. And we’re talking directly to women to register to vote and asking them to vote in every election whether it’s for the school board or the President.

Spreading Information and Truth

We’re sharing reliable news and information in email, social media, and everywhere women are, plus we’re investing in turning other women into trusted messengers.

Owning our Stories

We’re telling the stories of women’s political power and taking credit for our wins. We’ll draw the connection between how voting can improve the lives of women.


Making Civic Participation Easy for Women

Superwomen Wednesdays
We support volunteers in talking to voters about elections and issues that matter to women.

Our organizing leadership program supports women with the skills they need to organize to make the Majority Rules real.

Deep Canvassing
Outside of major election cycles, Supermajority is focused on sustained relationship building between volunteers and voters. Our new program trains volunteers to use empathy, storytelling, and personal connection in their canvassing efforts.

Building a Supportive Community

We provide exclusive programming and benefits for our members – from webinars, virtual training, and events with elected officials, to access to and discounts on products that are built to support women.

Online Portal
An online platform to make organizing easier and to support members connecting with one another.

Pantsuit Nation x Supermajority
Our Facebook Group of over 3.1 million users actively participates and shares their stories to foster relationships that support and drive each others’ civic engagement. Our group moderators facilitate online conversations to maximize learning.

Forcing Conversations about Women’s Political Power and our Issues

Research and Polling
We’re learning and sharing the latest on women’s political power.

Celebrating Women’s Civic Engagement
In 2020, we hosted a streaming celebration packed with the inspiring voices of powerful women politicians, grassroots fighters, and artists.

Supermajority is a women’s equality organization made up of women of all backgrounds, races, and ages who are coming together to build a voting bloc committed to creating a future where we are all truly equal. Supermajority is dedicated to building women’s collective political power by providing the information, training, and resources needed to take meaningful action at the local, state, and national levels.
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© 2025 Supermajority